
Outreach at Cochrane RC: Health screening and education on exercise and the Primary Care Plan

On 23 April, we organised an outreach at Cochrane Recreation Centre in collaboration with HealthServe, We conducted health screening and educational activities.

Migrant workers were engaged in an online quiz, which aimed to educate them on the benefits of exercise.

We also raised awareness about the new Primary Care Plan (PCP) for migrant workers and chronic disease prevention through a puzzle game.

The PCP plan helps provide quality, accessible and affordable primary care to migrant workers, and reduce strain on the public healthcare system. Learn more about it here:



We thank our volunteers for their time and contribution. Our work would not be possible without their effort and support!

If you are interested in making a difference in the migrant worker community, join us as a volunteer today! Learn more about the various volunteer opportunities available at

Outreach at Penjuru RC: Health screening and raising awareness on chronic diseases

On 26 March, we organised an outreach at Penjuru Recreation Centre in collaboration with HealthServe. We provided health screening and conducted fun, educational activities.

One of the activities educated migrant brothers on the Healthier Choice symbol. We shared this quiz with them on Facebook and asked them to comment their answers.

We also raised awareness on chronic disease prevention through a puzzle game. Our team prepared two different puzzles on healthy eating habits and healthy lifestyle habits. As the brothers were completing the puzzle, volunteers shared with them some common chronic illnesses, such as diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol, and the various habits they can adopt to reduce the risk of getting them.

Shifting Hearts, Shifting Minds at Work: A Webinar for Employers

We partnered with the Ministry of Manpower and HealthServe to organise a webinar for employers on the importance of caring for the mental health of their employees, especially migrant workers.

Through the webinar, employers learned what they can do to set up an effective mental health support system.

The speakers, Prof Jeremy Lim, Vice-Chair of HealthServe Ltd; Mr Justin Paul, Head of Mental Health & Counselling Services at HealthServe Ltd; and Dr Mark Ng, Country Health Manager at Shell Health Singapore and Shell Eastern Petroleum (Pte) Ltd, also shared case studies and highlighted the need to constantly engage not only the affected workers, but also those around them.

Celebrating Chinese New Year at Penjuru RC

To celebrate Chinese New Year with our migrant brothers, we held an outreach at Penjuru Recreation Center.

The theme for this outreach was healthy eating habits. We invited the workers to play a simple game that helped educate them on healthy eating and nutrition. Our team prepared a few pictures of healthy and unhealthy food options and secured them on empty drink cans. Migrant brothers were asked to knock down the unhealthy food options.

Stay updated about our next outreach by following us on Facebook @MyBrotherSG!

Doctors Host a Facebook Live on World Mental Health Day

In line with World Mental Health Day on 10 October, My Brother SG organised a Facebook Live event on mental wellness for our migrant worker friends.

Dr Hamid and Dr Muntasir hosted the Tamil and Bengali sessions respectively, with Ms Durga Arivan, a mental health counsellor from Healthserve, to offer valuable mental health tips. A few of our migrant worker friends who completed their Peer Support Leader training were also present to share their learning experience.

Penjuru Outreach

On April 10, we held an outreach for migrant workers at Penjuru Recreation Centre. We were glad to engage with so many brothers that day!

Here are some highlights from the outreach:

  • Healthcare professionals shared about vaccination and mental health.

  • Our booth had fun games for migrant workers to win prizes.

  • We partnered with The Food Bank Singapore to hand out food items (including mango juice boxes) to bless our migrant brothers. Their donations brought a smile and encouragement to the workers who have been working tirelessly!

Celebrating International Migrants Day at Recreation Centres

We are so grateful to have celebrated International Migrants Day with thousands of our migrant brothers at 4 Recreation Centers over the weekend, in partnership with the Ministry of Manpower. We had a fun time of games and giveaways at our booths!

Thank you to all our migrant brothers for your outstanding support! The long queues at our health booth and crossing 20K followers on our Facebook page have been a huge encouragement!